Scott Huler
Author of On the Grid

Scott Huler was born in 1959 in Cleveland and raised in that city's eastern suburbs. He graduated from Washington University in 1981; he was made a member of Phi Beta Kappa because of the breadth of his studies, and that breadth has been a signature of his writing work. He has written on everything from the death penalty to bikini waxing, from NASCAR racing to the stealth bomber, for such newspapers as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the International Herald Tribune, and the Los Angeles Times and such magazines as Backpacker, Fortune, and Child. His award-winning radio work has been heard on "All Things Considered" and "Day to Day" on National Public Radio; "Marketplace" and "Splendid Table" on American Public Media; and on "VOA News Now" on the Voice of America. He has been a staff writer for the Philadelphia Daily News and the Raleigh News & Observer, a staff reporter and producer for Nashville Public Radio, and the founding and managing editor of the Nashville City Paper. He has taught at such colleges as Berry College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and served as guest host on "The State of Things" on WUNC-FM.
No-Man's Lands, his recounting of a journey retracing the path of the Homeric hero Odysseus, has just been released in paperback from Three Rivers Press, and On the Grid, his sixth book, will be published by Rodale Books in May of this year. Defining the Wind, a previous book, is currently receiving what its German-language publisher calls "raving reviews" in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: "I'm the toast of the Teutonics," Huler likes to boast. His work has also been included in such compilations as Appalachian Adventure and in such anthologies as The Appalachian Trail Reader and Speed: Stories of Survival from Behind the Wheel.
He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, the writer June Spence, and their two sons.