Sarah Carucci
Graduation Coach

After growing up in New England suburbia, Sarah made her original foray down South to attend UNC-Chapel Hill and graduated in 2006 with a B.A. in Public Policy and Sociology. Not quite ready for a desk job, she joined Teach For America and taught middle school Spanish in Warren County, NC for three glorious years, during which she realized her stay in education was going to be for the long haul. She then made a quick return up north to Harvard University to snag her Masters in Education, with a focus on developing and providing programming for young people who have been classified as most at-risk for negative social and academic outcomes. Now back in her adopted home state, Sarah has been with Communities In Schools of Durham for the past two years as a Graduation Coach at the Durham Performance Learning Center, a non-traditional high school program for young people who have re-committed themselves to attaining their high school diplomas. When not spending her time learning from and being inspired by her students, Sarah is generally couponing, dancing, obsessing over her dog, and spending time with those she loves.