Peter Metzner
Leadership, life, and team coach

In addition to leadership and team coaching, Peter facilities seminars on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and peak performance. He incorporates guided visualization and dream work in many of his leadership, coaching, and training programs. Peter regularly facilitates seminars at UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University Medical Center. He has researched and studied stress, mindfulness, meditation, visualization, synchronicities, and dreams through the Journey Through Wholeness, Triangle Jung Society, Rhine Research Center, Robert Johnson, Jerry Ruhl, Barry Williams, Jeremy Taylor, John Ryan Haule, and others. Peter has given key-note presentations as well as workshops to organizations such as the National Wellness Institute, Center for Creative Leadership, the Georgia Southern University Staff Council, as well as for Global and Regional ICF conferences. Peter is also a mentor coach and instructor for the Institute for Life Coach Training. Peter taught Psychology at Vance-Granville Community College and was an Instructor at William Peace University’s Leadership Studies program. Prior to founding Dynamic Change, Inc., Peter was employed by the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC.