Page Crawford
Reporter, WNCN/NBC17

Early birds, parents of newborns and insomniacs can catch Page Crawford every morning between 4:30 and 7 a.m. on WNCN Today.
If there’s one thing Page loves, it’s a good story. Whether she’s filling you in on the latest DOT construction, coming up with creative new spots for “Where in the Triangle is Page Crawford?” or “One Tank Trips,” or reporting on sex trafficking in our state, Page will be there to give you what you need to know.
Page grew up just outside Washington, D.C., graduated with a journalism degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and spent two years in the Peace Corps in Honduras digging latrines. She now has two toddlers who are both un-potty-trained. Things have really come full circle for her.
Life took an only slightly more glamorous turn when, upon completion of her Peace Corps service, she moved to New York City to wear navy blue polyester and make $10 per hour as an NBC page (yes, she was “Page-the-Page”), and then as a talent coordinator for the NBC Television Stations Division at 30 Rock. (The building, not the show. Sorry.)
Part-time hosting and reporting jobs in New York led to a full-time gig with WNCN, and brought Page and her husband Jake back down to the Triangle.
Page and Jake are the proud parents of two knuckleheads who keep them on their toes… and sometimes turn them on their ears.
They’ve been thrilled to call the Triangle home for the past five years.