Mike Wiley
Playwright and Performer

Mike Wiley, an NC-based playwright, director and actor is an MFA graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill. A specialist in documentary theatre, he is the 2010 Lehman Brady Visiting Joint Chair Professor in Documentary Studies and American Studies at Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill. As founder of Mike Wiley Productions, he currently tours seven original plays, including Dar He: The Story of Emmett Till, One Noble Journey: A Box Marked Freedom and the theatrical adaptation of Tim Tyson’s Blood Done Sign My Name to theatres and educational settings nationwide. He has appeared on Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel and National Geographic Channel and has been featured in Our State magazine, on PBS’ North Carolina Now, and WUNC’s The State of Things in addition to being named Tar Heel of the Week by the (Raleigh, NC) News and Observer. The Parchman Hour, Wiley’s newest work, was featured in workshop as the finale event of the Freedom Riders 50th anniversary commemoration this past May in Jackson, MS.