Mike Harris
Disrupter of traditional pedagogical norms in the realm of social studies

Mike Harris began his journey hopping from one coast to the next with some islands in between depending on where his Dad’s special agent job took the family. He soon settled into a rather obsessive basketball stint through high school and in to college. Ultimately, he had married a lovely girl from California, created two wonderful children, and settled into the unpredictable and mysterious world of middle school teaching. Mike teaches social studies with passion, and a goal to help kids develop a tolerance and compassion for humanity. Some people even decided to choose him as Chapel Hill-Carrboro teacher of the year for 2013-14. In the spaces between, Mike loves to ride waves, mess around with musical instruments as well as listen to actual professionals make them sound beautiful, attempt poetry, read books, explore Earth, and interact with a wide variety of humans. Mike lives beneath pines with his family in Carrboro.