Lindsay Foster Thomas
Managing Editor, The State of Things

Lindsay Foster Thomas may as well be surgically attached to a pair of headphones. This future veteran of radio production started out behind the mic as a DJ and the Operations Director of WHOV at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. After graduating, she returned to her native Atlanta, Georgia where she worked as a producer on WAOK-AM, the city's only African-American news/talk radio station. She continued her career as a morning drive producer at WVEE-FM until the lure of higher education called her back to the classroom. She earned a masters in journalism from Columbia University, which was kind of like bootcamp for reporters set on the streets of New York City. After a year of lugging around bicep-building recording equipment across Harlem and the Bronx, she landed the job that brought her back to the South with WUNC, North Carolina Public Radio. Today, she's the Managing Editor of "The State of Things," hosted by local celebutante Frank Stasio. Since marrying Durham, North Carolina, she's adopted a dirty blonde furball named MacKenzie, founded the RDU Karaoke Club (join know you want to) and continues to grow her oppressively large collection of Archie Comic Books. Lindsay loves radio, but her real dream job is to be the voice of an animated character, a career choice that also requires headphones.