Laura Gonzo
Superhero in Training

The daughter of academics, Laura Gonzo spent her childhood sampling college towns until her dad finally settled at the UT-Austin. In high school, Laura excelled in Language, Creative Writing and Behaving Like a Miscreant Without Getting Caught.
After college, armed with extravagantly useless degrees in Italian and Philosophy, Laura found her way into marketing, where her tour of duty took her to Chicago, New York and Indianapolis (which she swears is a much cooler city than you’d think).
Laura obsesses about things like TED talks, social media for social good, CrossFit, her princess boy, kayaking, chocolate and dogs (not necessarily in that order). Her passion and experience in animal welfare led her to speak at a number of national conferences, where she was spotted and recruited by a private foundation to give up her corporate ways and go into saving the world full time. The economy intervened, however, and laura is back to splitting her time between her Clark-Kent-in-a-Skirt marketing persona and her secret superhero after hours identity.
Laura lives in Greensboro with her 7 year old son, three large dogs and two exasperated cats.
And, yes, Gonzo is really and truly her real last name.