Jocelyn Luhr
Epic Fucking Badass

Jocelyn was born (but not conceived) in West Virginia and raised in Texas, South Carolina, Delaware, and finally the suburbs of Philadelphia before heading to Syracuse University for a degree in Advertising-the only job she could think of where she could make money while also doing something creative. After college, she followed love to Delaware, and later then spent five glorious-and expensive- years in Washington, DC. Three years ago Jocelyn and her family decided settle down in rural North Carolina, where she enjoys freelance work as a graphic designer and copywriter at Now that her three children are in school all day, she is rediscovering life outside of full-time motherhood, pursing interests in art, comedy, religion, yoga, questioning North Carolina politics, and making the world a magical place. If there’s one thing she wants people-mostly her kids- to remember it is this: “always be kinder than you have to be.”