Jennifer Jomier
Closet Creative, Francophile, and Twin-Parent Extraordinaire

Jen moved back to Chapel Hill this summer with her family of six - the last time she lived here, she was an undergrad at Carolina. She met her hubby on Franklin Street, and theirs is a romance story for the ages.
Jen is currently rebounding from two years as a stay-at-home-parent and 11 years of living in France. There, she worked as a consultant in sustainability and international development, helping organizations to understand their role in society and rise to the challenges of a strange new world. She’s not sure what her next gig will be, but discovering The Monti and telling a story of her own is as fun as it is an effective stall tactic.
When she’s not chasing after her four kids, Jen enjoys reading, learning about gardening, and planning date nights and dinner parties.