Jay Pierce
Executive Chef at Lucky 32 Southern Kitchen

Jay Pierce has been the executive chef for Lucky 32 Southern Kitchen in Greensboro and Cary, North Carolina, since 2006, following stints in Emeril Lagasse’s kitchens in New Orleans and Orlando. While Lucky 32 has been a local favorite for more than 20 years, Chef Pierce has brought its recipes and pantry home by taking a turn south. He connects Lucky’s food with culinary traditions of the Carolinas and has enlivened the menus with many locally-sourced ingredients. Chef Pierce motors between the two restaurants in his restored London Taxi (called it the “VLT” – veggie London taxi) chauffeuring fresh local goodies hither and yon. Jay is myopically focused on putting great tasting authentic food on the plate and telling the story behind it that honors tradition and the ever-evolving modern palate.