Grayson Morris
Puppeteer and Comedian

Grayson Morris is a stand-up comedian, storyteller, and puppeteer based in Asheville, North Carolina. She performs regularly in Asheville’s Synergy Story Slam, Listen to This storytelling showcase, and Anam Cara Theater’s Tales ‘n’ Ales. Grayson is a member of Anam Cara’s experimental theater ensemble Acordian Time Machine, and her puppetry will be featured at The Fox and Beggar Theater’s Anamalia and The Black Mountain {Re}HAPPENING in April, 2014. On January 24-26, she will be performing in Duke Performances’ Love’s Infrastructure by Torry Bend at PSI Theater in Durham. Grayson runs a community involvement workshop series called Puppet Club to help empower adults to produce their own puppet shows. She is co-founder of Street Creature, Asheville’s giant puppet collective and loves working with children and doing artist residencies in schools.