Deonna Kelli Sayed
Writer, Ghost Hunter, Coffee drinker

Deonna Kelli Sayed is a writer, ghost hunter, and podcast producer. She is the author of Paranormal Obsession: America’s Fascination with Ghosts & Hauntings, Spooks & Spirits. Her essays are included in the New York Time’s featured anthology, Loveinshallah: The Secret Love Lives of American Muslim Women, as well as Faithfully Feminist: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Feminists on Why We Stay. She is the recipient of a 2013 North Carolina United Arts Council Regional Artist Project Grant and a 2015 Wildacres Retreat Writing Residency. Deonna’s media appearances include Coast to Coast AM, NPR, and The State of Things. She is currently working on a memoir, and accepts friendly offerings of dark chocolate and strong coffee with cream, no sugar.