Bryce Paul Mama Williams
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Bryce Williams was born and raised in South Carolina. After 11 years of college, Bryce took his anthropology degree to Austin, Texas—which was great, but involved no actual anthropology. He next moved to Puerto Rico where he worked on a sailboat, taking people snorkeling along reefs. When the boat went to Cape Cod for the summer, he visited New York City and ended up staying for eight years, working in production design for movies and TV. After meeting a nice southern girl, he followed her to Corning, New York and became a glassblower at the Corning Museum of Glass. Bryce got hitched to the nice southern girl on a trip to the Galapagos Islands and then started looking towards a move back south. Recently, they landed in Durham and love it. Bryce now works at home, managing accounts for a friend's web-based services business.