Andrea Selch
President of Carolina Wren Press

Andrea Selch holds an AB and a PhD from Duke University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her poems have been published in Prairie Schooner, Calyx, The MacGuffin, Luna, The Asheville Poetry Review and Oyster Boy, among others. Her first collection, Succory, was published by Carolina Wren Press in 2000. Her second collection, Startling, was published by Turning Point Books in 2004. Her poem series, Boy Returning Water to the Sea: Koans for Kelly Fearing will appear in The Southern Review in early 2009. She joined the board of Carolina Wren in 2001, and now serves as its president. She lives in Hillsborough, NC, with her partner and their two children. Andrea won a 2008 Hippo Award for her story, 'Replacement Child', told on October 28, 2008.